An Amusement & Diversion for The Genteel Cyclist. Daily.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Big Jonny, are you listening?

In Illinois, you definitely cannot get a DUI for riding your bike while intoxicated. That will be a big relief to these highly concerned ISU students. But something about the Illin' law bugs us:

"Basically the law says, no a bicycle is not considered a vehicle, so therefore under the Illinois vehicle code, bicycles do not apply," Corporal Nichol Bleichner, ISU police department, said.

Not considered a vehicle? Hmmm. We respectfully disagree-- but in this case, we'll be glad to let the law have the last word.

Of course, if you're a particularly sloppy drunk, the bike might sort of amplify that fact.

"I guess they could also get you for public intoxication, I don't know if they would bother mentioning anything about the bike," she said... She also added that a drunken cyclist would probably only pose a threat to themselves.


UPDATE: In the comments. You can get a BUI in Oregon, apparently....

Photo (cc) by loungerie

1 comment:

gabrielamadeus said...

Here in bike "meca" portland, you actually get a specific ticket that says Bicycling Under the Influence. Fuckers. That, and they set up stop sign stings every other week. I was on a group ride awhile back and 14 of the riders got $242 tickets. Fuckers.