An Amusement & Diversion for The Genteel Cyclist. Daily.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A sight for sore shoulders

We'll tell you later how we separated our shoulder in last weekend's big race, but this cool conversion had us thinking about immediate relief from the courier bag and the shopping list.

It's not clear how this fellow is linked to his cart -- he's possibly just hooked his bars over the cart -- but if the diameter is roughly equivalent, you'd think you could bolt the handle right onto your stem. Nifty!

That would like to see this contraption go into production merely points up their ignorance. There are literally dozens of these sorts of work bikes being built all over the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope you received some prescription pain killers for Sunday's effort. Had you worn boots and jeans you would have finished unscathed.

Heal soon.

--the cowboy