An Amusement & Diversion for The Genteel Cyclist. Daily.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Calling all White House interns!

We try to keep politics in check around here--it's worse than cribbage as a conversation killer-- but we confess that we're not huge fans of a certain Texas oil family. Still, it's good to know that even the enemy has his good side, and even though we always thought the President's bike riding was all hat and no cattle... well, we're ready to change our tune.

So, that begs a question. Yo, D.C, where are you hiding the singletrack?! We're calling up the White House Press Office right now...


geer said...

“I also think we spend a lot of money in the education system. We ought to insist on better food,” Bush said. “A lot of the dietary problems are what people eat. Our obesity problem is not just an exercise problem, but a bad diet.”

wait.... what? isn't he the president of the united states, the leader of the free world? i expect my neighbor across the street to say, 'hey, we really ought to do something about that....', but it seems like bush could actually get some results.

Anonymous said...

i'd rather have a fat president than an $8 trillion debt and a broken foreign policy...

Pinchie said...

Ha ha. Well said, anonymous. Well said.